Industry Articles
BP Dives Deeper Offshore Into Mars-Like World
PDF, 1.19 MB |
Kashagan may fail to restart this year if offshore pipes damaged
The Middle East Sour Oil & GasUpstream Profile
PDF, 221 KB |
Natuna Gas Field, Indonesia
PDF, 350 KB |
The Wall Street Journal
Brazil Moves to Join Other Major Oil Nations
PDF, 261 KB |
Seeking Alpha
Noble Corp. Provides Further Insight Into Strength Of Offshore Drilling Industry
PDF, 268 KB |
Two Miles of Sea Covers Big Oil’s Next-Generation Field
PDF, 264 KB |
Global Information, Inc.
Global Oil and Gas CAPEX to Increase to $1,201 Billion in 2013
PDF, 270 KB |
Saudi Aramco awards Saipem$300m pipeline deal
PDF, 148 KB |
Dow Jones
Saipem Unexpectedly Cuts Dividendas Net Profit Drops 30%
PDF, 164 KB |
Dow Jones
Saipem Shares Plunge, Profit Warning Could Spell Trouble for Bank of America
PDF, 79 KB |
The Wall Street Journal
Oil-Pipeline Cracks Evading Robotic ‘Smart Pigs’
PDF, 456 KB |
Alberta Oil Magazine
How small science couldreshape the oil sands
PDF, 181 KB |
Wall Street Journal & Thompson Reuters
Kashagan oil field articles
PDF, 36 KB |
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