Industry Articles


BP Dives Deeper Offshore Into Mars-Like World

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Kashagan may fail to restart this year if offshore pipes damaged
The Middle East Sour Oil & Gas Upstream Profile

PDF, 221 KB
Natuna Gas Field, Indonesia

PDF, 350 KB

The Wall Street Journal
Brazil Moves to Join Other Major Oil Nations

PDF, 261 KB

Seeking Alpha
Noble Corp. Provides Further Insight Into Strength Of Offshore Drilling Industry

PDF, 268 KB

Two Miles of Sea Covers Big Oil’s Next-Generation Field

PDF, 264 KB

Global Information, Inc.
Global Oil and Gas CAPEX to Increase to $1,201 Billion in 2013

PDF, 270 KB

Saudi Aramco awards Saipem $300m pipeline deal

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Dow Jones
Saipem Unexpectedly Cuts Dividend as Net Profit Drops 30%

PDF, 164 KB

Dow Jones
Saipem Shares Plunge, Profit Warning Could Spell Trouble for Bank of America

PDF, 79 KB

The Wall Street Journal
Oil-Pipeline Cracks Evading Robotic ‘Smart Pigs’

PDF, 456 KB

Alberta Oil Magazine
How small science could reshape the oil sands

PDF, 181 KB

Wall Street Journal & Thompson Reuters
Kashagan oil field articles

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